Instructions to request Letter of Access invoice

All joint-registrants who elect not to join the Mn REACH Consortium will need to purchase a Letter of Access for referral (LoA) to the main dossier submitted by the lead registrant.  The LoA is available per legal entity and per substance. An invoice administration charge of €125 will be added to each invoice.

The LoA Agreement for certain Mn-based substances is available for purchase via a web portal linked from this page.  This Agreement covers all matters in a single document.  

To purchase the LoA please follow the following steps:

  1. Complete and submit the online invoice application form (link below)
  2. Complete, sign and send to the Consortium Secretariat a PDF copy of the Letter of Access Agreement (linked below).
    There is no need to send a copy by post, send the agreement by email only.
  3. Pay the invoice
  4. Upon receipt of payment in full, the Consortium Secretariat will sign and return the Letter of Access Agreement, together with the Joint Submission name and valid REACH-IT token.

Letter of Access application form (to receive an invoice) >>

Letter of Access Agreement (to download, complete and return) >>

The completed, signed Agreement PDF should be sent to the following address

(note that your LoA application will not be processed until a PDF of the signed Agreement is received)


Manganese REACH
Administration (MARA)
11 rue Dulong
75017 Paris

Please do not send any signed agreements by post - send as a PDF by email